Chemical Engineering Colleges in Mumbai

Are you looking for Chemical Engineering College in Mumbai to meet your needs? Here is a list of the top Chemical Engineering Colleges in Mumbai available only on

List of Chemical Engineering Colleges in Mumbai

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Top Chemical Engineering Colleges in Mumbai

MumbaiChemical Engineering Colleges
(34235 Ratings & Reviews) 4.5 Average Ratings

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2. How to shortlist and hire the perfect Chemical Engineering Colleges?

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Which are the 10 Best Chemical Engineering Colleges in Mumbai?

1) Dwarkadas Jivanlal Sanghvi College of Engineering

Dwarkadas Jivanlal Sanghvi College of Engineering is a renowned Chemical Engineering College in Mumbai. Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s (SVKM) Dwarkadas J. Sanghvi College of Engineering (DJSCE), was established in the year 1994. In the span of 26 years, DJSCE has come a long way and has made its impact felt not only in the country, but also abroad. DJSCE is an Autonomous Institution, granted autonomy by the University Grants Commission (UGC) for a period of 10 years, starting from the A.Y. 2019-20 till 2028-29. National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) has accredited DJSCE with a CGPA of 3.18 out of 4, i.e., with an “A” Grade for a period of 5 years with effect from 18th of October 2019. The college runs 8 undergraduate programmes, 3 post graduate programmes and 3 Ph.D. courses, permanently affiliated to the University of Mumbai. All the undergraduate programs are accredited by National Board of Accreditation. Our students have performed exceedingly well in national and globally competent multinational companies and also in the universities in India and abroad as they pursue their higher education.

2) Mukesh Patel School Of Technology Management & Engineering

Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management and Engineering was established in the year 2006 under the aegis of Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies as one of its constituent Schools. NMIMS was established in the Year 1981 by Sri Vile Parle Kevlani Mandal as a Management institute initially affiliated to University of Mumbai. NMIMS created a niche for itself as a Management School benchmarked for its best practices in Management education in the coming years. It became a deemed to be university (a nomenclature used for institutions granted University status by UGC) in the year 2003.

3) Thadomal Shahani Engineering College

Established in 1983, Thadomal Shahani Engineering College (TSEC), founded by Hyderabad (Sind) National Collegiate Board, is recognized by Government of Maharashtra.